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Henry Reyenga
Genre (Type)
Short Description
I am excited about starting revival among those with a criminal record.
Your Vision - Personal or Organizationally

In 2011, a family member pleading guilty to a code violation-felony in the military. He served 16 months in the brig. Our family was all in on helping this family member. Our daughter lived with us. We helped with legal expenses.

God was at work! God taught our family some much. When our son-in-law completed his sentence, I learn how much his reputation suffered. The conviction of being a felon continued to follow him after he was freed. I also noticed how much he was set back in his earning power to provide for his family.

My son-in-law grew greatly in this relationship with the Lord. Through this all he truly became a better man in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Getting a job after his incarceration was very difficult. His reputation was seriously damaged. I tried to help him get into college. The money was not there.

As Christian Leaders Institute grew, I was beginning to see what a blessing the CLI class would be for those who had completed their prison sentences. Especially for those who were living a new Life for Christ.

This experience was a big factor in what I am passionate about the vision to help create new lives in Christ after trouble with the law. I am passionate about raising up ordained restoration leaders who proclaim Christ.

I hope to empower these leaders with powerful Christian Leaders Institute resources. May God bless every Restorative Justice Leader.

Address (include city and state)
17771 West Spring Lake Rd
Spring Lake, Michigan
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